And they're cool and available and addictive. The job is almost done for us!



Grapes and gangs talked to more than 15 top agents and their bosses, met more than 100 male models around the world, lots of stylists, casting directors, photo editors and for the most of this industry - Designers and Fashion Editors - to give you a first hand clue of what is really going on in this biz, and A-Z of what should you do in case you want to be one or an agent picked you up and you cant decide.

First of All ,FAQ!

People told you that being a male model is like being fortune, alone with all the glamour gigs and parties, you get to earn plenty of money.

IT'S A LIE. We will give you a straight forward number. What you've earn will be divided into 3 parts: Agency fee, Taxes, Your part.

Agency fee around the world should no more than 20%, but if you are a big name ( which could take you at least 3 year, some big names would have to pay 25% for your agency's sake.)

Taxes, this is the most easy one to explain : USA, 40% Europe, 50%.

At last your part, but this is the most complicated. Be prepare of all those costs that even havent cross your mind yet, you have to pay $30 a month for agency management promotion, $200-300 per season for your show card and profile book. And there are something you have to think about: abroad cost: where to live. Travel Cost, you dont want to be all freezing out side of the tent trying to get a cab.
We know, some fairy tale began with that boss really like this girl/guy they send she/him a fly ticket just to get she/him to new york. For the record that only happened in Female Models, and only happened to 2 special women : KATE moss, GISELE bundchen.

So if the above haven't scare you away, then lets talk about how to get started.

First of all, you need to be a really really pretty picture, if you are not a beautiful guy, don't even bother, the above costs and earns are for the top ones, if you cant even get on the tops, there is no reason to begin, it will only ended in shits.

So you think you are good looking enough, but the agents might not think so. They will tell you all the false of your body since you were born, and they are not gonna be shy about telling you these. Dont get mad, get even. One's trash could be other's apple. Ford only likes money machine, meaning they only sign the boys with absolute potential to be on a billboard. NY models loves pretty boys, if you are hot enough. Red likes Gothic and hunky, Major only eats meat and flesh. VNY is very selective, they see your special side not as a whole. Public Image Worldwide, on the other hand, is a very very big company with CAA heading up, they like all kinds of boys but they will kick you out if you are not 186cm above by the time you are 17.

Dont do walk-ins. Good agents are usually busy all the time. You need someone at least interested on your face or body and thought about talking to you in person. You need attentions. Lots of agencies say they do walk-ins, but we suggest you mail your stats first then wait till they contact you.

Dont move too fast. Talk to your wannabe agent. You need to know this person. You might be quitting in a couple of months, but who knows if you got CK world exclusive, then nothing could hold you back trust us. In this case, a nice temper and dedicated agent could do you no wrongs.If you feel that your agent is just packing meats- no matter how slightly this feeling might be- leave him/her at once we urge you. We suggest you boys do sign with female agents, even the most evil woman couldn't look at you lay on a fucked floor, they will take care of you like a big sister or even better your mother.

So now you signed with a big name and did some polars and someone called you to get up to do a job. We know you are excited or pretending not care about this, but Dude, there is one thing you need to do to get really started with this modeling thing: BREAK UP WITH YOUR GIRL.
There is this kid called pete, he was the first winner of ford models search by VMAN magazine, He kicked off quite nice but then he found everything is meaningless and he misses his broke-up girlfriend so so much, so now hes back with her in nashville. Listen up kiddo, if you think your hometown is way better than NYC, MILAN ,PARIS, LONDON, then dont sign with any agency no matter how begged they were and how good looking you are. It is no help. Pete will disappear in the thin air no body cares if hes been modeling or not. Remember, Pete the Vman boy is a really good guy, who lives in Nashville.

We will discuss how to work with stylist and everybody in this industry next time.
