And they're cool and available and addictive. The job is almost done for us!


Sébastien Andrieu

I've decided to use the simplest way to introduce sebastien (if there are still anyone that  dont know his name ) : the polaroid.

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HEAR the names : Armani,Givenchy,Jil Sander,Lanvin,Louis Vuitton, Missoni, Cavalli, Rochas, Valentino, Versace....

I am not done listing and you already know this guy is a supermodel. A real one if there are any.
MDC's NO.1 should be ashamed, without any titles, sebastien has gained tons of edits, covers, campaigns, hands on topland in exceedingly 2 years while the top models nowadays has to put it all out in at least 4 years(if he was lucky) and still cant compare.

the only reason (that I could think of ) that Sebastien was not a DIOR boy could be by the time of 2003, Dior homme didnt have that much money to campaign the major advertising with a major name.

grapes believe that only the rare rare rare beauties deserve a single post of our site, saving space for google please~~. Now ,one of them has appeared.
