And they're cool and available and addictive. The job is almost done for us!


Spotting the American Blue Blood

In the midst of summer, I'm already thinking of fall. Fall is my favorite time of the year, a time when the leaves change from their verdant shades to yellow, orange, and red. Blue-bloods from the Yellowstone mountains to the coast of Massachusetts enjoy the beauty of nature and the crisp morning air. With the change in temperature, American men break out their fall wardrobes and speak their perennial favorite language, L.L. Bean. Even though we know they also speak Filson and Pendleton.

They don their wide-whaled corduroys with embroidered whales from Murray's Toggery, Brooks Brothers shirts, Pendleton argyle sweaters, and L.L. Bean duck boots. All of a sudden men look alike, from Bozeman to Chapel Hill to Richmond to Boston.

Oh, and lest I forget the Filson field bag they carry, which holds the latest copy of Men's Vogue. So, if you aren't a blue-blood or an American, but aspire to look like one, start getting ready now. --BUNNY TOMERLIN
