And they're cool and available and addictive. The job is almost done for us!


First Day in School cousin is a sweetheart but his first day in school was a 
nightmare.... to me. I have no idea what shoulda MIT graduate-genius to wear at his enrollment day,but judging from what I saw what he's doing down there in his closet.. I was fighting my life with him from wearing a pajama like sloppy shirt and trunk worker dirty jeans."NO! YOU ARE NOT WEARING  THESE!" "OH~ YOU BET I AM !!"
The conversation has gone wild, at my last breath-take my cousin had been beat up by my consistent yelling, insulting, pushing and he gave up.
So he ended up doing A Ali Michael (on the left side). Try to imagine Ali into a 20 something charming guy and with bigger size
hat. lol The hat! is the point. My cousin really got the europeano artisty thing going on! Suits him alot! At least better than those blue collar style, and no, I dont care                                                            what says about rough man rock on. Duhhhh~~

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