And they're cool and available and addictive. The job is almost done for us!


After the Storm: Tory Burch Survived Deluge by Going Barefoot

Though Gap's spring presentation this morning was light and cheery, we were still haunted by memories of last night's Tropical Storm Hanna. Patrick Robinson was toiling away in a windowless room last night when the storm hit. "Was there a hurricane?" he laughed. "I didn't even notice." Photographer Scott Schuman, better known as the Sartorialist, made his assistant tote around umbrellas so they could keep taking fashionista-on-the-street portraits. "I just shot and tried to keep the camera dry," Schuman said. "I had an excuse, if I didn't have enough pictures for — 'It's raining!' But I think I came up with some pretty good stuff. I like that kind of crazy combination of people still dressed, you know, running in the rain." Tory Burch did the unthinkable when she was stranded in the downpour: She took off her shoes and walked home barefoot, "which I never, ever do," she blurted out quickly.
