And they're cool and available and addictive. The job is almost done for us!



Yes we are still alive, so does Ben Vescovi.
Miss him so much. He is one of the most talented models. And the only model that got on Vman magazine's cover, before V signed a contract with Ford of model searching. Which means, he was a truly cover boy, a big sell. Is it us getting old? we often recall these old times recently.


Modeling Not Lucrative or Glamorous. At All. (Its grapes blah blah time~)

Modeling is not nearly as glamorous or lucrative for men as for women. The boys make less money, so they often don't have the luxury of, say, a black car to ferry them between shows and fittings. Also, male models can be filthy, filthy creatures. Russian-born Matvey Lykov ranks in the top 25 male models working today (he recently landed the spring Jil Sander campaign). He tells the L.A. Times he prefers not to live in agency male-model housing:
"Before my first show in Milan, we were staying in this apartment that belonged to a male model," Lykov recalls. "I was staying with these Canadians; they were like animals. They destroyed all the furniture, they were throwing chairs and beer bottles out of the window from the fourth floor onto cars — one guy [relieved himself] in the oven." He said he took his suitcase and checked into a hotel that night ... "Male models are messy — it's not sexy at all."
The financial compensation hardly makes up for the pain and suffering. Lykov walked 34 shows in Milan, Paris, and New York. The eleven shows he walked in New York this season paid him in clothing rather than cash — something that's called a "trade" and not allowed in Europe. So if he makes around $1,000 a show, he netted about $16,400 this show season, after a 20 percent agency fee and couple grand for travel expenses. In a year, doubling that figure and adding in a few one-off shows and an exclusive job, he makes around $40,000. Before taxes. Including human excrement in the kitchen. (It is, however, considerably better than a starting salary at Condé Nast.) Lykov is hoping for some fall campaign bookings, where the real money is. In the meantime you might find him in the Williamsburg apartment he shares with four roommates, none of them models.

To add to the list of reasons it's basically impossible to make money as a model, male or female: Condé Nast pays new models $150 a day. After a year, that rate increases to $250 for the day, according to managing editor and former agent Betty Sze. "That means if you are Gisele [Bündchen] and work for American Vogue 2 days in a row, you would make $500. Many editorials pay nothing," she says. These rates have not been affected by the economic crisis, as magazines like Vogue, Allure, and Lucky's ad pages for the month of April are all down around 30 to 40 percent each. With Condé's titles reportedly looking for additional ways to cut back even after the downsizing of Men's Vogue and the closure of numerous titles, model rates would seemingly be a logical place to start. "Condé Nast doesn't have to pay anything, I don't even know why they do," Sze adds. "Girls don't do editorial for money! Getting editorials and covers of French Vogue for example, drives up your rate for everything else and gets you noticed by the huge money clients like Lancôme and Estée Lauder. Simple. Editorials and covers are the path towards the real money."
Except getting noticed by Estée Lauder isn't exactly "simple," since there's one of them for every hundred billion models in the world. And they might hire celebrities people actually recognize instead of 17-year-olds known only within the industry. So you're more likely to make a better living waiting tables, bartending, working retail, programming computers, even blogging. Not to mention you can consume carbs, booze, and full-fat cheese to your heart's content.

The above are two articles from two different sources, thanks to many of our "home boys", we already knew most of that. Except the fact that models are shamelessly reporting their private matters to the new york "I am so bored I have pretty boys" magazine and news papers. Things have always been like this, everyone knows about this, and kids got warned out once they signed the deal, now they are complaining? Big Deal. No serious, who cares. So you think you are not gettng paid fairly, so does everyone, you think editors and doormen get paid fairly? What do you think Tom Ford leaving Gucci and Hedi Slimane Leaving Dior at the first place? No body gets paid fairly, models are more noticeable, because most of the models are kids that dreamed about being rich and famous, and they dont get any of that once hang off the on set lightening. They are the bodies of dreaming format, they are suppose to know that. Now they are confused. Apparently they think , as beautiful people they should be rich and famous, except they are nothing but beautiful. You really think Gisele Buchen is rich because she is the hottest? Have you met her? The woman has a pinion about almost everything, she speaks several languages, she does business with investment, she is handling her life with a brain. She left VS contract and she is still the most recognizable, who, which one in these kids could do that? Without a major campaign, they are nothing. NOTHING. You heard from Nick Sinder again? Tell me about it.

Once Mathias Lauridsen or Boyd Holbrook or Jamie Dornan starts complaining, we will start supporting.


Robert Pattinson

Just because we said we hated GQ's cover doesn't mean we hate Robert Pattinson.



We Love Los Angeles!!! 
Tyson Paige, hunkie hottie on the block. Word out on the street, the kid is in town, he is so major type, but maybe NY models wants a change. Good luck Tyson.



First of all, we'd like to clear something up. Boris has never had trouble with drugs. He smoked pot like everyone else did, but to say he is a drug addict is just nonsense.
A few days ago we run into him (because his apt is just across the street) in a supermarket, hes paying for his veggie burger and a pack of beers, he looked absolutely stunning, we even asked him where he got that from. "Oh, I just switched back my normal clock" he says half kidding.


Since when WWD cares about who walks what in menswear season? Since fashion houses cast new faces rather than relying on costlier established models in order to reduce the pain of bad economic. And since when those boys down there are new faces? Since their creepy agents lie about the age in order to get their boys on top !

I am just kidding. lol But we did notice some of the NY magazine's model profile states are ridiculously funny, seems like they hired an 18 year old who is not familiar with any year-counting before the year he was born! At first we thought: Er.. Some of Amy's colleges are...just stupid. But then, just like what we said, its getting ridiculous, and then we learned that Some of Amy's colleges are really stupid, but not anyone in the model profile updating office. So looks like someone must has been really naughty, maybe it was becos santa claus won't grand them the "Please make my male models 2 or 3 years younger in stat" wish.

So they lied. It is one thing to lie about the age of a real new face before anybody knows how to spell his hometown name. It is definitely a whole new other thing of lying about - to quote WWD-costlier established models and faithfully expecting no body will find out about it.
Com'on! Is there anyone who thinks that this is gonna work, at all? Who are they trying to fool? Anyone who works in fashion more than a year could immediately pick a two times model in a group of 17 rookies. Because it is that obvious!  I can prove to you right away, take WWD's face time for example, tell me any model that you've not seen his face before. Tell me now. You will know right? Because we all know when a boy is enlisted by major magazines, he'd cut some cakes for at least one season around. So you know what am I saying when you find out a boy is acclaimed to be 20 when obviously he's 22/23, you'd laugh.
But this has nothing to do with WWD's list, although we think its useless and paper wastes, we are glad that Lenz and Jacob made it. Lenz and Simon and Tyler all landed a major campaign, ( CK and Givenchy and Dolce). Its weird to call them new faces.


Dear Arthur... ...


It is exciting to see how our new boys nail it hard in a very flexible way, this new wave of the future top male models share something very promising: beautiful bone structure, decent gentleman style, and the face that even looks good under reality check. They are boys yet to men, the magic era for growing and glowing.
From now on, we call him Vic. We name all the potential star by the nicknames, we think Vic deserve such one.
Sleep tight in your expensive PJ vic, cos you are gonna need energy to cope with what's going to happen to you very soon, amazing things, lots of them.

(Vic in SS09 Another Man Magazine)


Looking good Mr Holbrook, who would thought, he is still so damn hot. Looks like nothing's gonna change the man's sharp vibe. He was the good boy, he was the bad boy, in a field that begs no hero, he begs for differ. Maybe there is a reason to stay in this crappy biz besides of money, to become someone like Boyd, cool your voice and say: I've done this, man.

One more lift, he is going to no where but a supermodel namesake.


I can say this for lots of people. Jeremy is the beauty of our lives. He touched so many soul until one day... ... a mystery disappear. Nah just kidding.

Jeremy was quite a big name already before many of the power faces hit the ranking. He was the Noah Mills force group wasn't him? With that landslide-approve Dolce campaign, he was the "smoking hot " even before MH came up with the idea of it.

Even with today's industry standard, he is still young, born in 1986, with all that he'd achieved, you'd think he was born way before that year right?

The french hot stuff still got it! Accompanied by British model Josh Beech, the pals are in the good pair.


YSL Tributes

Grapes is not happy.

Grapes can not understand why some self pointed genius is doing a shit thing when this genius acclaimed"Yves Saint Laurent was one of fashion’s most enduring figures and his legacy remains beloved."
Grapes is not sure if this genius really knows what he was saying, because if he knows, he wouldn't even think about to play the YSL card with some random male model.
Okay he is not random, is Tomek ( the kid the real name we will never know), but besides us, does WWD/VOGUE/BAZAAR/Any Fashion Leading Thoughts give a damn who the hell he is?
We could let alone about who the whatever he is gave this genius the rights and courage to do an YSL tribute without any creativity abilities, but how the hell could Anyone ever think about portrait the late and the great YSL with some random guy, is this called showing your respect? We don't think so.
Next time when some genius wants to have fun with the classic 60's, they should just say so. Do not use the name that you can not afford to drop it out of your mouth.

PS: the edits looks just like some cheap knocking-off by an art school intern. Genius.


Grapes has been accused for not showing a very good enthusiasm of the black models, what if I say in Grappie's eyes there is no color preference, we are all the same, black models just haven't bought that much attention, would you believe me ?
See now, when certain attention has brought, we open our blogs! The one of a kind beauty Liya landed on Exclusive for J.Crew. Do I need to say more?



There was a reason we were the only ones that didn't introduce the launch issue of Vogue Homme Japan (OR did we?) If you care, read on, if you don't skip this passage. Few people knew that it was a very very long preparation of Vogue Homme Japan, yes even longer than Vogue China, but for different reason, China was not ready then according to Conde Nast people. And Japan is a tough case. There are literally 100,000,000 copies of fashion magazine sold out in that area and menswear fashion is a quite promising scale. Competition is one thing, and there goes the courtesy of what position A VOGUE MEN would be in Japan. If its not a bible then don't even bother. That's also our answer, we were kind of..well, scared. What if it didn't work, then we would be those "watzup fussy scums", So we waited, and now the second issue is out. It looks...its getting it on!  This magazine actually wants to be something with a soul and the long term consideration and carefulness is starting to pay off now. That's a good start. To be honest, we are not really with them, but its just like we don't read Wired, that doesn't mean wired is not good. (In fact Wired is pretty good)

So you skipped the first passage, let's talk about the new issue. They boomed Ash's career in the first issue, bet all of you still remember that, Vogue Homme Japan is picking up an habit of using the new face, we hope they hang on there. Usually a smash hit fashion magazine with a new face means they don't give a damn about any other's "star advisor", they just doing their own thing, so you don't have to worry about cheesy lousy meaningless articles stick to your beautiful eyes. And they love americans, well that's predictable, Japanese always act like that, and now with the photographer Hedi Slimane, there is long way to go babe, just please make sure you guys have a list of back ups  for 7 years curse ( Hedi could leave Dior, he could leave anything.)
Vogue Homme Japan also loves to show off the young boys, thank god they did it in another way than Vman. Red is already mur-muring about their new hot babies now. Chris Pulliam is growing... bigger by the day, since Red's formal hot babie Shaun is dropped off of top 50, we are thinking maybe this one could do the heads up. So far the kid needs some professional touch and a golden stamp name that screams: Steven Meisel. Hello Red, if Chris hasn't got it in  months then you could kiss your top 30 good bye. Good luck.


Yeah what do you know, 3 days of eyes examine and a group meeting, then Robert Pattinson gets on GQ.
The obvious situation here is, how young does GQ stands for? 23 is a really small number, isn't it? We were wondering are those social golden cogs really reading GQ these days even when they put up a Vampire of 14 year old's crush, or they stopped reading long time ago, that would be really fancy for a whole new level of DESPERATION, or... GQ is actually being funny in here, but we doubt that part, more like Conde Nast is pushing a wrong people or even worse, the wrong direction, we hear decease bells.



My excuse for watching TWILIGHT is that, people say, the vampire shines like diamonds.

You see, for one thing, human skin doesn't/won't/can't "Shines" like diamonds its physically impossible, even for vampire, as long as they have  human body. When sunshine touches on Human Body, its called Diffuse Reflection,it makes your skin naturally glow-if you are on the catalog of Estee Lauder, Diamonds on the other hand, don't shine automatically, mirror reflection is the way to go, because the delicate ankles, sunshine gets to explode after endured into diamond's pyramids. But that's just one of the slightest details that this movie "impossibly" presented. Long sentence short: How the fuck can such a crap make  it $370,443,750 worldwide?
But since every girl in America is in love with Zac Efron, its not really that surprise now are we?

We are really happy that Robert Pattinson stars at such a meaningless movie, that just gave him 50 percent of the chance that one day he will stand in front of a little gold man and weeping about his up-and-down unusually career. This is gonna be an urban legend about an American Idol. God bless everyone.
PS: Justin Timberlake teaches everyone a lesson. He was in a boy band, who would thought right? lol


MDC'S Still -Updating Top 50 Ranking.

James is Back. No, not bond. James Allen, the ultimate male modeling God Father.

He's back and the first thing he did was to torture our hollow superstitious nerves. After a series enduring meetings, we were acknowledged that during his tenure, "updating" will be the only thing that settled in MDC. Meaning, fellows have to check the ranking list every other day. Don't believe me, the thing is still tic-taking at the site, last update:Mar 05 2009 . Maybe with this kind of speed, we will see the day of Lauridsen got bumped out of the map.

James is also not very happy about the top 20 concept, saying there is no way to measure the male modeling industry hotspot within a peanut space like "20". So all winners Top 50.

Now. Let's rock it, shake it, suck it and eat it.

For the fist time, Top 5 has given 5ive different agencies names:New York,VNY,Click, DNA, Wilhelmina, Ford. 

What is AJ doing at the No.5, we are sensing a big fat CK contract is dancing in his wallet. 

Wilhelmina would have never thought about An 8 year old sign-up could do they so good in today- Boyd Holbrook is  No.6 and about to break the curse of " 10 years model nightmare", or its all just the side effect of performing in the movie MILK.

Dolce & Gabbana's LIGHT BLUE is wonder water, apparently, it keeps David Gandy up and strong in about 10,000,000 years.

Josh Beech follows N0.8, Danny Schwarz half naked on No.9.

Did major ever nail a Top 10 be4? We dont remember, but Simon Nessman's Givenchy guarantees his statu.

Taylor Fuchs is an editor sweetheart, stands No.11, he will die a model. The almost solo Gucci boy Mathias Bergh is sharing this position. You know the meaning.

Ash Stymest,Tyler Riggs, Cole Mohr, Luke Worrall. Two American, Two British, Four Fake Punks, from 12-15.

Jamie Strachan is a long runner, he is good at No.15.

Former Major Super Hottie Blaine Cook dropped at No.16. 

No.17, Eddie Klint, is lucky, with that happy-go-lucky career attitude, he should be No.71 by now.

Patrick Petitjean,  Rogier Bosschaart. Both one-time-used Prada boys slightly close the door of the Top 20. But Noah Mills, who is No. 20, with that body, they guy should never leave MDC'S list.

We are insist the Top 20 Concept, but also like to mention some well-players.

Adrian Bosch, Lenz Von Johnston. Cool pals.

Marion Teixeria, Dior Campaign.

Max Motta, Interestingly sexy.

Dennis Johnson, Raising Star.

Kerry Degman. Do I need to say more?

And Shaun Haugh is still No.45... ... Are you fucking Kidding me, James?

HERMES S/S 09 BY Darius Khondji

Oh my gosh for a second I thought the model's name was Darius Khondji, that's shocking since the quite famous Iranian-French Cinematographer is 54 years old now.
Alright. Funny Game Begins: Tell us who that guy is in 48 hours.
In return: $2000 Gucci Menswear Coupon.  
We strongly suggest you to think wildly. 

Again, we are serious. And again, don't email Amy, she won't be emailing you back.

Hey! How have you been.

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Yesterday we watched THE DARK KNIGHT, the reason Grapes did not watch this movie is the same reason that everybody has to watch it, because it is so great. Actually Great is not even qualified to describe this movie and Heath Ledger's performance. The role The Joker, is one of a kind and Heath has always been Christopher Nolan's one and only choice for the role.

Because he is fearless.In preparation for his role as The Joker, Heath Ledger hid away in a motel room for about six weeks. During this extended stay of seclusion, Ledger delved deep into the psychology of the character.

Heath is fearless, he has the guts to play a homosexual cow boy in Ann Lee's 1960s movie. He has the guts to take the role in a high school movie and made it probably one of the coolest real meaning characters in the whole high school history. And he did it again in 2001 played a hard rock knight. He has the guts to be Bob Dylan,a hero, Casanova, a hero, Jacob Grimm, a hero. The three combine makes everyone's childhood, youth and fantasy.

Heath Ledger is a hero. His spirit is so strong , you heard it while Oscar presenting his performance. No sadness, No sorrow. You only listening, because you know he was listening. "Nothing has ever change, just simply transformed" if that's it, we'd think heath has never left.

You get to live pal, like Audrey Hepburn and Paul Newman, you all live with us. Hey do you know that people are saying that the opening scene of THE DARK KNIGHT is the coolest five minutes ever in movie history? that you are the very first performer to win an Oscar for acting in a comic movie-adaptation. That the movie made more money than Batman Begins entire domestic run in only 6 days of release. What? You don't care about any of these? Alright. We think that Your performance beat the odds and topped Jack Nicholson's Joker from Batman. Also in Sir Michael Caine's opinion. That's right. Pal! You are the best.

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NEW KID-Tomasz Pastyrczak

Will be in New York for 2 weeks.  A contract is waiting.

Daily Hollywood

This is a sunny day. In Los Angles, 300 days out of whole year, this city is sunshine everywhere. So when you meet a gorgeous mom and her beautiful 4 years old little daughter, you can count the day. Sibi is 39, she was a model and once a personal assistant, she is now happily married for almost 10 years!
"OMG! So how are you guys gonna celebrate this ?!" Apparently I am slightly jealous, but most of all is just happy tears.
"With Chris?" Sibi laughed, her honey long curl hair and tender smile glows amazingly, the man is lucky. Little Emma, their daughter is playing with my Ruby key chain, she asked about why ruby is red, through my entire childhood I have never thought about that question.
"Emma is going to be a scientist!... And yeah of cos with him. You know what, I don't want to know, I want you to tell me later."
"Actually, we didn't plan it at all. You can't talk about seashore and candles while a man is diving in the giant machines." Sibi smiles again, she seems always happy, but not annoy.
"He is not that busy lately isn't him? Still have work to handle?" Just when I was saying this I realized how wrong can I be, Of cos he is still busy. "Ah.. never mind." and then here we go , laugh again.
Sibi went to ladies room and I was trying so hard to explain the color thing with Emma, you understand? No you dont you only 4. You can't be serious. Then Emma pulled her litter finger pointed to somewhere near the street, papa is here.

I hugged emma in the car, "Your daugher is a genius, she understands gemological terms."
"Please, you have to stop teaching her those out-space words that I don't understand." A proud father gently took the key chain from Emma and hand it over to me.
I heard Sibi's heels, and I forgot to check, I went back, and "the who's paying" fighting started all over again. I won.
While I took the tiramisu pack from the waiter, that guy looked at me and quietly asked "Hey, is that Batman over there?"
 " Yes, that's Christian Bale."


Matthew Stone for Gereth Pugh Homme FW09 Show Music

Matthew Stone produced Gereth Pugh's first menswear show music.

Find this soundtrack in here


Jonas and Rogier in New York City.
 Jonas is wearing a front-roll black scarf match with army-like outfit and cow boy low-ankle boots. 
Male Models these days... ...


Mathias Lauridsen

Its not very easy to bump into Mathias like that, although this man is globetrotting  like a jet setter.
Its also not very easy for Grapes to admit that this man was actually her first crush in-print. 4 years sounds like one's entire childhood, it is the age of Mathias first Kenzo Campaign. 
He is 25 years old now. Has been in this biz for 6 years that equals to 15 years in the female modeling career. It seems hard to anyone, high or low in fashion that does not know the man's name. Mathias is annoyingly professional, disgustingly beautiful, disturbingly perfect in front of the camera. Strict to the point, he is all about the biz. He was never really in the so-called cool kids circle. When so many anonymous are bluffing about how they don't care about modeling, Mathias is doing his job fair and square. In every industry, including art and creativity, certain regulations are made for good examples. Sometimes it is so usual that you can't even feel about it. That's how people made them self  great.


REQUEST boy Bastien did Vman.  We'd like to hear what do you think about this.


ON THE RIGHT. And Click.